SASSA Means Test – Asset and Income Threshold [2024]

The national agency has implemented the SASSA Means Test when approving and verifying social grant applications, especially for the SASSA R350 grant and other social grants in South Africa. This test is a crucial tool for assessing the eligibility of each applicant, ensuring that those who genuinely need financial assistance receive it while declining those who exceed the income and asset threshold limit and do not qualify.

SASSA Means Test

In this context, we’ll dive into the income and asset thresholds for each grant SASSA offers. Additionally, we’ll provide insight into the payment amounts for these grants. It’s crucial to carefully review the details to grasp the means test criteria before initiating your application for an SASSA social grant.

What Is the Sassa Means Test?

The SASSA Means Test is a crucial aspect of the SASSA Status Check process, determining eligibility for individuals seeking assistance. It assesses whether you have sufficient means to support yourself and your family. You can check information on how the SASSA Mean Test influences your eligibility.

1. Qualification Criteria

The SASSA means test is your gateway to accessing much-needed financial support. To qualify for the SASSA social grant or SASSA SRD R350 grant, you must meet specific criteria set by the South African Government. Hereā€™s what you need to know.

Income Assessment

Your income plays a pivotal role in the means test. You are eligible for the grant if your financial situation falls within the defined criteria. However, you may only qualify for assistance if your income exceeds the threshold.

Asset Evaluation

Assets are generally considered as follows in the means test:

  • Money in your or your spouse’s bank account if married.
  • The value of the property or land you and your spouse own, excluding the land or house you live in (properties or land with an outstanding bond are considered to have no value).
  • The value of all investments you or your spouse own, including shares or any other type of investments.
  • If you have yet to retire from a retirement fund, your annuity will not be considered an asset for the means test.
  • If you are retired from a retirement fund, your annuity will be included as an asset for the means test.
  • Outstanding debt, such as bonds and loans, is also considered.

2. Continued Eligibility Requirements

It is an ongoing assessment, not a one-time evaluation. Applicants’ financial situations are regularly reviewed to ensure that the grant continues to reach those who need it most. It is how the SASSA review process determines the continued eligibility of each applicant.

Monthly Reviews

After receiving the grant, your financial status will be reviewed regularly, typically at 30-day intervals. This process ensures that you still meet the eligibility criteria and that the assistance is directed to those in genuine need.

Changes in Circumstances

If your financial circumstances change while receiving the grant, you must notify SASSA promptly. Changes in your income or assets may affect your eligibility, and failure to report such changes can lead to issues later.

Important Notice

SASSA reviews each new applicant’s application and those already approved as SASSA beneficiaries to assess their eligibility for monthly grants. The Means Test ensures that every beneficiary remains eligible, and if they no longer qualify, resources are redirected to support other needy citizens.

3. Prioritizing the Needy

It is crucial in prioritizing assistance for those in need. This evaluation of financial circumstances allows the government to target support to individuals and families facing economic hardships. By doing so, limited funds are directed where they can have the most significant impact.

4. Preventing Misuse

Addressing the misuse of social grants is a crucial goal of the means test. The test considers combined incomes for married applicants, ensuring the system’s integrity. This approach helps prevent ineligible individuals from receiving funds, ensuring financial aid reaches those requiring it.

SASSA Grant Requirements Means Test

It is a crucial part of the application process for various social grants, such as Disability Grants, Older Person Grants, Child Support Grant, Foster Child Grant, Care Dependency Grant, War Veterans, and grants in Aid. This test applies to new applicants who have recently submitted their SASSA online application and to approved beneficiaries already receiving monthly assistance.

Income and Assets Threshold Means Test for SASSA Social Grants

To qualify for various SASSA social grants, applicants must meet specific income and asset thresholds as part of the Means Test. Adhering to these guidelines ensures eligibility and prevents interruptions in grant payments. Here’s a breakdown of the income and assets thresholds for different grant categories:

For Older Persons, Disability, and War Veterans Grants

  • Single individuals: Assets should not exceed R1,313,400, and annual income should be below R92,520.
  • Married individuals: Combined assets should be under R2,626,800, and yearly income should not exceed R185,040.

For Child Support Grant

  • Single individuals: Annual income should not exceed R57,600.
  • Married individuals: Combined annual income should be below R115,200.

For Foster Child Grant

  • No means test is applied, so assets and income do not impact eligibility. Foster parents need to present a court order indicating foster care status.

For Care-Dependency Grant

  • Single parents or primary caregivers: Assets should be under R238,800.
  • Married parents or primary caregivers: Combined assets should not exceed R477,600.

These thresholds are current as of October 2022. It’s essential to stay informed about SASSA’s requirements to maintain eligibility for social grants.

SASSA SRD R350 Threshold Means Test

The SASSA SRD R350 Threshold Means Test is a crucial part of the application process for the R350 grant, which aims to provide temporary support to individuals experiencing financial hardship and unemployment. It means the test is designed to ensure the grant is allocated to those who truly need it and need more means to support themselves.

Income and Assets Threshold Means Test for SRD R350 Grants

To qualify for the SRD R350 Grant, individuals must meet specific criteria, including having a monthly income of less than R624. SASSA conducts regular checks on applicants’ bank accounts to verify their income status and determine their eligibility for the grant.

  • Important Announcement by SASSA Team for R350 Applicants

Eligibility for the SASSA SRD Grant

Eligibility for the SASSA SRD grant is determined when oneā€™s income is less than R624. SASSA conducts monthly checks on recipientsā€™ bank accounts to verify their income status.


The SASSA Means Test is a crucial tool for determining eligibility for social grants in South Africa. It ensures that financial assistance is directed to those who genuinely need it based on their income and assets. 

By regularly reviewing applicants’ financial situations, SASSA aims to prevent misuse of funds and prioritize support for those facing economic hardships. Understanding the Means Test criteria is essential for anyone applying for or receiving an SASSA social grant.

Frequently Asked Questions

The SASSA Means Test assesses the financial eligibility of individuals applying for social grants in South Africa. It evaluates income and assets to determine if an applicant qualifies for assistance.

The Means Test looks at the income and assets of an individual or household. If the income or assets exceed the threshold set by, the applicant may not qualify for the grant.

The Means Test is used for grants such as Disability Grant, Older Person Grant, Child Support Grants, Foster Child Grants, Care Dependency Grant, War Veterans Grant, and grants in Aid.

You may not qualify for the grant if your income or assets are above the threshold. It’s essential to report your financial situation to SASSA accurately.

No, the Means Test is an ongoing assessment. SASSA reviews the financial status of recipients regularly to ensure they still qualify for the grant.

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