How to Cancel the SASSA Relief Grant?

To initiate the cancellation of your SASSA Relief Grant application, it is advisable to contact the SASSA office directly. They will furnish you with the requisite information and assist you in navigating the cancellation process. It is crucial to be aware that once your application is canceled, you will cease to receive any disbursements from SASSA.

How to Cancel the SASSA Relief Grant

If you have uncertainties regarding the cancellation of your application, engaging in a conversation with a SASSA representative is recommended. They can guide you to help you make an informed decision. Whether canceling online, through WhatsApp, email, or a phone call, individuals should follow the prescribed steps and provide accurate information. Now, let’s dive into the steps of how to cancel the SASSA relief grant. 

How to Cancel the SASSA Relief Grant?

Before initiating the cancellation of your SASSA Relief grant, it is essential to verify the current status of your grant, determining whether it is Active or Inactive. If your grant is already inactive, there is no cause for concern, and you can proceed with the cancellation process.

Methods To Cancel the SASSA Relief Grant

Following are the methods that you can use to cancel your SASSA Relief Grant.

  • Grant Cancellation through the SASSA Website.
  • Grant Cancellation through WhatsApp.
  • Cancellation through Email.
  • Call the SASSA toll-free number to cancel your application over the phone.

1. Grant Cancellation Through the SASSA Website

To initiate the cancellation of your grant through the SASSA website, follow these steps:

  • Go to the official website at and navigate to the “Cancel my Application” tab.
  • Locate the yellow button labeled “Click here to Cancel Online” and click on it.
  • Provide your ID Number and Mobile Number, then click on “Send Pin.”
  • Once received, enter the OTP (One-Time Pin) number that you received.
  • Click on the option to cancel your grant.
  • A pop-up message will appear, confirming your decision to cancel the grant.
  • Choose “Yes” to proceed with the cancellation or “No” to discard the cancellation.

By following these steps, you can easily navigate the SASSA website to cancel your grant application.

2. Grant Cancellation Through WhatsApp

To cancel your SASSA R350 grant application through WhatsApp, follow these steps:

  1. Initiate contact with SASSA by sending a message to their WhatsApp number: 082 046 8553.
  2. In your message, clearly state your intention to cancel the SASSA R350 grant application.
  3. Wait for SASSA to respond, providing you with a list of options to choose from.
  4. Select the appropriate option for canceling your application.
  5. Follow up by texting them your ID number and the mobile number associated with your application to confirm the cancellation request.
  6. SASSA will process your cancellation request accordingly.

Ensure that your message is clear and concise to facilitate a smooth cancellation process.

3. Grant Cancellation through Email

  1. Compose an email directed to SASSA for canceling your Relief Grant application.
  2. Provide your full name, ID number, and the reason for cancellation within the email.
  3. Include essential contact details like your phone number and email address.
  4. Send the email to the designated SASSA email address.
  5. Allow SASSA sufficient time to process your cancellation request.
  6. Upon completion of the processing, anticipate notification from SASSA.
  7. Note that canceling your Relief Grant application implies the cessation of grant disbursement, emphasizing the need for careful consideration before finalizing the decision.

4. Grant Cancellation Through Toll-Free-Number

To initiate the cancellation of your SASSA Relief Grant application via telephone, follow these steps:

  1. Dial the toll-free SASSA number at 0800 60 10 11.
  2. Navigate through the prompts and choose the option to connect with a representative.
  3. Once connected, furnish the representative with your complete name and ID number and articulate the reason for terminating your application.
  4. Allow the representative to process your cancellation request.

It is essential to exercise caution when deciding to cancel your SASSA Relief Grant application, as doing so will result in the discontinuation of grant benefits. Take the time to carefully consider your decision before proceeding with the cancellation.

Circumstances that Require to Cancellation of SASSA Relief Grant

  1. If your financial situation has improved, you may opt to cancel the SASSA Relief Grant, as you no longer require the assistance.
  2. In the event of an error on your application, cancellation might be necessary to rectify and submit accurate information.
  3. Accidental submission of multiple applications warrants cancellation to ensure a fair and efficient distribution of resources.
  4. Approval for the grant may lead to cancellation if an alternative source of financial assistance has been secured subsequently.
  5. Changes in personal circumstances that render you ineligible for the grant may necessitate canceling your application.
  6. If your application status remains uncommunicated by SASSA, cancellation may be considered for clarity on the grant’s status.
  7. A change of decision or the availability of other financial means may prompt you to cancel the SASSA Relief Grant application.

It’s crucial to carefully weigh the decision to cancel, as it implies forfeiting the grant.

How to Restore Canceled SASSA Application?

If you have previously canceled your SASSA application and wish to reinstate it, you can follow these steps:

  1. Visit the official SRD SASSA website at
  2. Locate the option titled “Reinstate my canceled application” and click on it.
  3. Choose the “Reinstate Online” option to initiate the reinstatement process.
  4. Input your identification (ID) and cellphone number, ensuring that the details match those used during the cancellation of the grant.
  5. Enter the One-Time Password (OTP) received on your cell phone.
  6. Click on the confirm button to finalize the reinstatement process.

By following these steps, you can request the review of your canceled SASSA application. The organization will assess your request and communicate the approval or rejection before the 15th of the month. In case of rejection, you have the option to reapply in the subsequent month.


Canceling a SASSA Relief Grant is a crucial decision that should be made after careful consideration. It is important to weigh the reasons for cancellation and be aware that once canceled, the grant disbursements will cease. Whether canceling online, through WhatsApp, email, or a phone call, individuals should follow the prescribed steps on how to cancel the SASSA Relief Grant and provide accurate information. 

If circumstances change and reinstatement is necessary, the process can be initiated through the official website. Additionally, frequent communication with SASSA representatives and staying informed about the status of the application is recommended to ensure a smooth cancellation process.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can cancel your SASSA Relief Grant online through the official website. Visit, navigate to the “Cancel my Application” tab, and follow the provided steps.

Yes, you can cancel your SASSA Relief Grant by sending a message to SASSA’s WhatsApp number, 082 046 8553. Follow the prompts provided by SASSA to complete the cancellation process.

When canceling your grant through email, include your full name, ID number, the reason for cancellation, and contact details. Send the email to the designated SASSA email address.

Yes, you can cancel your SASSA Relief Grant application by calling the toll-free number 0800 60 10 11. Speak to a representative, provide your details, and articulate the reason for cancellation.

The processing time for a cancellation request may vary. It is advisable to follow up with SASSA after submitting the cancellation to ensure the timely processing of your request.

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